Lana and Rosella swallow tasty, spicy man piss! With great piss-swapping! cam 1

After Lana and I had our first threesome together, 2 of the users present had to piss. So we crouched on the floor, each took a glass that we then held under our mouths. So if the users dont go wrong in our greedy swallowing mouth piss and we can finally drink the drinking glasses empty! Unfortunately, the first could not piss so much so that we only got some piss from him, but the second had really pressure on the bubble and stopped pissing up. We already swallowed a lot of piss and he pissed off the drinking glasses. Well, the piss from the drinking glasses drank Lana and I out, we also gave ourselves horny piss kisses and we made horny piss exchanges from mouth to mouth!

Lana and Rosella swallow tasty, spicy man piss! With great piss-swapping! cam 1

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