Horny lesbo piss action with Lana and Rosella!

Here I met the cutie Lana Orlova. We have organized horny user fucks together. You can see the hot clips of it here soon. In between we also had to pee and since we both like to swallow sperm and piss, we pissed in our mouths. Lana unfortunately had a blockade when she stood over me with her horny cunt with a full bladder, because she hadnt pissed in other peoples mouths that often. But I could piss all the more for that. And so Lana laid under my pierced milf cunt and I pissed in her mouth. She greedily swallowed my golden juice. Something went wrong and so I pissed on Lanas sexy tits and body. I then licked my piss off Lanas body and tits. After I had licked Lana clean, we gave us horny piss kisses. We shoot together more often now and if you want to be part of our next hot shoot, then get in touch with me!

Horny lesbo piss action with Lana and Rosella!

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RosellaExtrem store at Yezzclips