Piss Spit Pubes Mix For My Toilet With Feet On Face Slapping In Orange Leggings

Madam Tulpan pisses into a glass jug and then pours out her pee into a small glass. Then she starts cutting off her pubic hair into my glass filled with piss. She urges me to taste the piss and pubes drink again and again. Then I asked Madam for more piss from the glass jug full of her still fresh piss. So she poured me a glass and spat into it and I smell it and put my tongue to feel the spit on the surface of the urine before really tasting. Then she poured some more and spat more into it. After that I put put my face into the pad soaked wet with her urine from her having spilled all her piss from the jug and I was sucking up her pee with pleasure. Then she soaked her feet in blue high heels in her piss and slapped m face and tongue and kick and slapped again.

Piss Spit Pubes Mix For My Toilet With Feet On Face Slapping In Orange Leggings

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