Double piss humiliation (2 clips)

A goddess doesnt sit on a cold toilet seat to go, she sits on a betas face and pisses in his toilet mouth!! Here are two of my pissing clips–in the first; my toilet slave receives several golden mouth fulls, then I walk off and leave him (until next time!). The second; I piss several times into my toilet cuckys mouth, then wipe my pussy clean using his pathetic face. I verbally mock him for being such a PATHETIC CUCKY LOSER… I regularly fuck my studs huge dick, then piss in my cucks mouth, how pathetic can you be? Totally degrading my little bitch turns me the hell on, however…so I end up fucking his face (asshole right on his nose) until I orgasm, then wipe THAT on his face too!! Just to add humiliation, I place my foot right on his face in victory and to show ownership. hes my property. And verbally mock him even further. P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C!!!

Double piss humiliation (2 clips)

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